The completely new office building for the EMA (European Medicines Agency) was recently completed on the South Axis in Amsterdam. This complex, including various conference rooms, was developed by the State Property Company on behalf of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. The international EMA was formerly based in London, but has chosen to resettle in Amsterdam. The EMA employs approximately 900 people of around 30 nationalities. Every year the EMA receives more than 36,000 visitors and organizes 500 to 600 meetings and congresses. The EMA is responsible for the quality and safety of new medicines for humans and animals authorised on the European market.


Accessible is the norm
The Government Buildings Agency uses the ITS standard as one of the starting points in the design of their real estate. The Integrated Accessibility Standard (ITS) for the built environment is an important tool for assessing and optimising physical accessibility.

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