Personeelstraining Artitec, samen sterk.


With "Strong together", Artitec is committed to continuous knowledge enrichment. We do this for internal growth, but above all we want to be able to service our customers better. During every event we delve into a specific product or process, with the ambition to always have the latest and best knowledge in house. During these sessions, our specialists share their insights on the latest changes and innovations. This is how we become a little stronger together every day. 

In the training sessions, the specialists explain products, but above all they encourage our employees to apply the theory directly. By working with the product or process yourself, questions automatically surface that you as a customer can also experience. These are often very valuable insights that you would not get by just listening. By discussing these in a group, we can offer you as a client a clear, well-considered answer.  


As a recent example, our director, Maarten Delfortrie, led an educational session on the latest developments at Artitec of locks and security. By participating in this training, staff not only improved their knowledge and skills, but are also well informed and up-to-date with the latest developments in the locks industry. 

Maarten emphasizes the importance of such training:  

"It is crucial for our team to stay abreast of the latest developments at Artitec and the industry so that we can always provide the most current and effective solutions to our customers."

Strong together is more than a training program; it represents our vision to provide good service to our customers through knowledge sharing and continuous improvement. Strong together, moving forward smarter together.